Our Story

As a young girl growing up in the Church, I was told that I should not wear make-up, but I do not believe that the God I serve intended for his people to look plain, drab, unattractive, or old maidish. However, I do believe that we as Believers/Christians should be the trend setters for the world instead of being followers of the world, and that is why I started K-Nia Creations. 

K-Nia Creations is a faith-based company that seeks to provide women with beauty products, self-awareness, beauty tips, and daily inspiration, I believe that you can serve God and look nice while doing so, the key is moderation and respect for God and yourself. 

 For as it is written in I Corinthians 10:31 kjv, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Amen